Forgiveness Is a Tricky Thing

We have all had these life-changing moments, when we choose to forgive or ourselves are forgiven. Either is freeing, but the thing they don't tell you is that there will be seasons when you will need to forgive that person who wronged you, yet again, or seek inner forgiveness from your own actions. Life is complicated like that. But I think that the hardest thing is to be told you are forgiven when you don't know what you have done wrong. You can guess, but you aren't really sure. And, when the person doesn't want to share from what action or inaction you are forgiven, you are left forever wondering. Now comes the even trickier part, how does one forgive the person who is currently causing you great anguish by forgiving you of the "thing that must not be named." Seriously, living and loving in this world can be incredibly hard. I come from a long line of people who don't share what really happened, whose family housed many secrets, ge...